Mathematical Content Area — Arithmetic

Sample Questions

1.  If j and k are integers and j − k is even, which of the following must be even?

  • (A) k
  • (B) jk
  • (C) j + 2k
  • (D) jk + j
  • (E) jk − 2j

The correct answer is choice D, jk + j.

2.  A certain recipe requires Three halves cups of sugar and makes 2 dozen cookies.(1 dozen = 12)

Quantity A Quantity B
The amount of sugar required for the same recipe to make 30 cookies 2 cups
  • (A) Quantity A is greater.
  • (B) Quantity B is greater.
  • (C) The two quantities are equal.
  • (D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

The correct answer is choice B, Quantity B is greater.